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Juara Fotografi Micro Terbaik di Dunia

gambar dibawah merupakan gambar alat kelamin jantan dari tanaman bunga sebagai juara pertama even tahunan "nikon small world" untuk kompetisi pemotretan benda-benda kecil tahun 2009.

Dipilih baik sebagai karya ilmiah serta kualitas artistik dari lebih 2.000 entri foto, gambar ini dibuat oleh ilmuwan estonia heiti paves.

"sebagai bagian dari pekerjaan saya sebagai peneliti, saya telah mengambil foto melalui mikroskop selama hampir 30 tahun untuk mengamati proses di dalam sel-sel hidup," kata heiti paves.

Spoiler for juara 1:

gambar kedua adalah juara ke 2, fluorescent protein filamen aktin. / dennis breitsprecher, institute of biophysical chemistry at germany's hannover medical school. / dennis breitsprecher, institut kimia di jerman biofisik's hannover medical school. Courtesy of nikon small world. Courtesy of nikon small world.

Spoiler for juara 2:

pemenang sebelumnya :

2008 : Pleurosigma (marine diatom) (200x), darkfield dan polarized light. / michael stringer, westcliff-on-sea, essex, united kingdom. / michael stringer, westcliff-on-sea, essex, inggris raya. Courtesy of nikon small world. The 2008 runners up . Courtesy of nikon small world

Spoiler for 2008:

2007 : Embrio tikus transgenik ganda, yaitu 18,5 hari (17x), brightfield, darkfield, fluorescence (gfp dan rfp). / gloria kwon, memorial sloan-kettering insititute. / gloria kwon, memorial sloan-kettering insititute. Courtesy of nikon small world. The 2007 runners up . Courtesy of nikon small world

Spoiler for 2007:

2006 : Mouse kolon (740x), 2-foton. / paul l. Appleton, university of dundee, uk. / paul l. Appleton, universitas dundee, inggris. Courtesy of nikon small world. The 2006 runners up. Courtesy of nikon small world

Spoiler for 2006:

2005 : Muscoid terbang (lalat rumah) (6.25x), terpantul cahaya. / charles b. Krebs, charles krebs photography, issaquah, washington, usa. / charles b. Krebs, charles krebs fotografi, issaquah, washington, usa. Courtesy of nikon small world. The 2005 runners up . Courtesy of nikon small world, runner up

Spoiler for 2005:

2004 : Quantum dot nanocrystals diendapkan pada silikon substrat (200x), polarized memantulkan cahaya. / seth a. Coe-sullivan, massachusetts institute of technology. / seth a. Coe-sullivan, massachusetts institute of technology. Courtesy of nikon small world. The 2004 runners up . Courtesy of nikon small world.

Spoiler for 2004:

2003 : Aktin dan mikrotubulus (protein struktural) berserabut pada tikus fibroblas (sel) (1000x), fluorescence. / torsten wittmann, the scripps research institute. / torsten wittmann, the scripps research institute. Courtesy of nikon small world. The 2003 runners up . Courtesy of nikon small world.

Spoiler for 2003:

2002 : Bagian sagital otak kecil tikus (40x), fluorescence dan confocal. / thomas j. Deerinck, national center for microscopy and imaging research, university of california, san diego. / thomas j. Deerinck, pusat nasional imaging microscopy dan penelitian, universitas california, san diego. Courtesy of nikon small world. The 2002 runners up . Courtesy of nikon small

Spoiler for 2002:

2001 : Rotifer makan di antara puing-puing udara segar(200x), darkfield. / harold taylorkensworth, uk. / harold taylorkensworth, inggris. Courtesy of nikon small world. The 2001 runners up . Courtesy of nikon small world

Spoiler for 2001:

2000 : Avicennia marina (mangrove) daun (40x), fluorescence dan differential interference contrast. / daphne zbaeren-colbourn, bern, switzerland. / daphne zbaeren-colbourn, bern, swiss. Courtesy of nikon small world. The 2000 runners up . Courtesy of nikon small world

Spoiler for 2000:


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